On-the-job Training
At Goodwill SJV, we provide employment and training opportunities to assist people with employment barriers to become self-sufficient, working members of our community.
- Employment Supports: Goodwill SJV provides accredited Community Employment Services (CES) to individuals with disabilities. For more information on our Work Services Program, call 209-466-2311, ext. 1005, and speak to our Mission Services Manager.
- Career Development Training: Goodwill SJV offers upskill training opportunities to our employees in order to learn and earn a family-sustaining wage and advance from having a job to having a career.
- For example,

- Whether it’s a first job or a second chance to get into the workforce, Goodwill SJV believes in The Power of Work to change lives! For on-the-job opportunities, click on the tab at the top of the page that says Jobs.

It's about having a chance, not charity.
It's about feeding your family with money that's earned.
It's about having a job.
It's about the self-respect that comes with a paycheck
It's about lowering crime by raising job skills.
It's about helping children by hiring their parents.
It's about reducing welfare by increasing work opportunities.
It's about a job that pays real wages.
To support and strengthen real families.
Yeah, it's about having a job.
And that's what we're all about.
Work Services Annual Report 2023